Tuesday 6 March 2012

Slaughtermaster / Butcher Dont Like the Head

So I really don't like the head sculpt on the Slaughtermaster / Butcher:

Its too small and really does not look like a guy who eats everything he butchers!

So my solution was:

He is obviously only in a state of basecoat with a first wash, I havent painted him yet but what do you think?

I Approve

I Approve of this Blogg

Legion of Everblight Some Older Pictures

I found some of the pictures I took of my Legion a while ago on my phone, I'm thinking of changing this scheme and adding the same red carapace as I use on my Tyranids.

Carnivian and Angelis

Carnivian and Angelis Again

Just Angelis

Sunday 4 March 2012




Claire's obsession with Classics and  Archeology inspired this spartan team for Blood Bowl. I have a bunch of reserves and support staff yet to paint but this is the basic starting team.

Big Guy (Ogre) - Polyphemus

Catcher - Diomedes

Blitzer - Herakles

Blitzer -  Menelaus

Thrower - Agamemnon

 Lineman - Ajax

Lineman - Odysseus

Lineman - Jason

Lineman - Achilles

 Lineman - Perseus

Lineman - Theseus